๐Ÿ“คHow to create Receive Link

How to create the receive link to send token to an email

This is a unique feature of the KEYRING Email Wallet, allowing users to send tokens without needing the recipient's wallet address. All you need is the recipient's email.

KEYRING Email Wallet supports sending the following types of tokens:

  • ERC-20

  • ERC-721

  • ERC-1155

While the steps are generally similar, each token type has some differences. Hereโ€™s how to create a receive link for each type:


ERC-20 is the most widely used token standard. To create a receive link for ERC-20 tokens, follow these steps:

Connect Your Wallet and Enter Token Information

  1. Connect your wallet.

  2. Select the ERC-20 tab.

  3. Enter the recipientโ€™s email. If you want to send to multiple emails, upload a CSV file with the email list.

  4. Choose the token you want to send.

  5. Enter the number of tokens you want to send.

  6. Click "Create Receive Link."

  1. You will receive the details of the receive link you are about to create. Double-check the information to ensure the correct token, recipient email, and token amount.

  2. Click "Create" after verifying the information.

  3. Approve the token transfer in your wallet by clicking "Confirm."

  4. Confirm the creation of the receive link in your wallet by clicking "Confirm" again.

Send the Message

After confirming, you will have two options before sending:

  • Send without a message: This option allows you to send the token directly to the recipient's email without a message. Select this option and click "Send" to complete the transaction quickly.

  • Send with a message: This option allows you to include a message with the email. If you choose this, enter a short message before clicking "Send" to finalize the transaction. Note that if you send to a list of emails, all recipients will receive the same message.


Unlike ERC-20 tokens, which are the standard for many cryptocurrencies, ERC-721 tokens are the standard for NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). Hereโ€™s how to create a receive link for ERC-721 tokens:

Select ERC-721 Tab and Enter Token Information

  1. On the send screen, select the ERC-721 tab.

  2. Enter the recipientโ€™s email. Note that for ERC-721 NFTs, you can only send to one email at a time, so there's no option to upload a CSV file for multiple emails.

  3. Enter the contract address of the NFT you want to send.

  4. Enter the NFT ID.

  5. Enter the sender's name.

  1. The system will display the information again for review. Carefully check all the details to ensure everything is correct.

  2. Once you have verified the information, click "Create."

  3. Complete the two confirmation steps in your wallet by clicking "Confirm."

Send the Message

After the process is finished, you will have two options similar to the ERC-20 process:

  • Send without a message: This option allows you to send the NFT directly to the recipient's email without including a message. Select this option and click "Send" to complete the transaction.

  • Send with a message: This option allows you to include a message with the email. If you choose this, enter a short message before clicking "Send" to finalize the transaction.

Click "Send" to complete the process.

ERC-1155 Tokens

ERC-1155 is a token standard for NFTs, similar to ERC-721, but with the added capability of storing multiple NFTs within the same contract. Think of ERC-1155 as a combination of ERC-20 and ERC-721. Hereโ€™s how to create a receive link for ERC-1155 tokens:

Select ERC-1155 Tab and Enter Token Information

  1. On the main screen, select the ERC-1155 tab.

  2. Enter the recipientโ€™s email. If you want to send to multiple emails, upload a CSV file with the email list, similar to the ERC-20 process.

  3. Enter the contract address of the NFT.

  4. Enter the NFT ID.

  5. Enter the quantity you want to send.

  6. Enter the sender's name.

  1. Click "Next" to review the information. Carefully check all the details to ensure everything is correct.

  2. Once you have verified the information, click "Create."

  3. Complete the confirmation steps in your wallet, similar to the process for ERC-20 and ERC-721, by clicking "Confirm."

Send the Message

After confirming, you will have two options, just like in the previous cases: ERC-20 and ERC-721.

  • Send without a message: This option allows you to send the NFT directly to the recipient's email without including a message. Select this option and click "Send" to complete the transaction.

  • Send with a message: This option allows you to include a message with the email. If you choose this, enter a short message before clicking "Send" to finalize the transaction.

Click "Send" to complete the process.

Last updated